Complete the form below to receive your 30-day SoftLINK for Linux demo. You will receive an email with instructions and video tutorials for the Linux trial. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.
ACS offers a "live" online SoftLINK presentation. If you would be interesting in attending an online presentation, simply let us know in the comment section of the form.
We are pleased to announce the merger of Applied Computer Systems, Inc with NetSupport Inc, a highly trusted and respected educational and corporate software developer. Rest assured you will be provided with the same level of assistance and support you are accustomed to. All existing maintenance/support contracts and subscriptions will be honored by NetSupport; you will not lose the benefits you currently have, nor will your existing contracts be discontinued.
ACS solutions and NetSupport identical counterparts:
SoftLink | NetSupport School |
DNA | NetSupport DNA |
Notify | NetSupport Notify |
Manager | NetSupport Manager |
Continue your support now by signing up for a free My Support account so you can access your registered products and view your license details, product downloads, and other resources...